Friday 15 July 2011

java - Spring security with google Oauth -

java - Spring security with google Oauth -

i have been working on web application in have used google oauth , spring mvc. have implemented google oauth in user directed desired url if user authenticated google oauth. achieving functionality have used google gogleauthhelper class. here code

bundle com.mob.googleoauth; import; import; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.arrays; import java.util.list; import javax.servlet.http.httpsession; import org.json.jsonexception; import org.json.jsonobject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public final class googleauthhelper { private static final string client_id = ""; private static final string client_secret = " "; /** * callback uri google redirect after successful authentication */ private static final string callback_uri = "http://localhost:8080/orgchart/oauthredirect"; // private static final string hd = " "; // start google authentication constants private static final iterable<string> scope = arrays .aslist(";" .split(";")); private static final string user_info_url = ""; private static final jsonfactory json_factory = new jacksonfactory(); private static final httptransport http_transport = new nethttptransport(); // end google authentication constants private string statetoken; private final googleauthorizationcodeflow flow; /** * constructor initializes google authorization code flow client * id, secret, , scope */ public googleauthhelper() { system.out.println("google auth helper called"); flow = new googleauthorizationcodeflow.builder(http_transport, json_factory, client_id, client_secret, scope).build(); flow.newauthorizationurl().setapprovalprompt("force").setaccesstype("offline"); // authorizationcoderequesturl authorizationurl = flow // .newauthorizationurl().setredirecturi(callback_uri) // .setapprovalprompt("force").setaccesstype("offline"); generatestatetoken(); } /** * builds login url based on client id, secret, callback uri, , scope */ public string buildloginurl() { system.out.println("building uri called"); final googleauthorizationcoderequesturl url = flow .newauthorizationurl(); homecoming url.setredirecturi(callback_uri).setstate(statetoken).build(); } /** * generates secure state token */ private void generatestatetoken() { system.out.println("generated token called"); securerandom sr1 = new securerandom(); // system.out.println(sr1); statetoken = "google;" + sr1.nextint(); } /** * accessor state token */ public string getstatetoken() { system.out.println("gettoken called"); homecoming statetoken; } /** * expects authentication code, , makes authenticated request * user's profile info * * @return json formatted user profile info * @param authcode * authentication code provided google * @throws jsonexception */ @suppresswarnings("unchecked") public list getuserinfojson(final string authcode,httpsession session) throws ioexception, jsonexception { list ls = new arraylist(); try{ system.out.println("getuserinfojson called"); final googletokenresponse response = flow.newtokenrequest(authcode) .setredirecturi(callback_uri).execute(); session.setattribute("usertoken", response.getaccesstoken()); final credential credential = flow.createandstorecredential(response, null); final httprequestfactory requestfactory = http_transport .createrequestfactory(credential); // create authenticated request final genericurl url = new genericurl(user_info_url); final httprequest request = requestfactory.buildgetrequest(url); request.getheaders().setcontenttype("application/json"); final string jsonidentity = request.execute().parseasstring(); // system.out.println(jsonidentity); jsonobject object = new jsonobject(jsonidentity); string email = object.getstring("email"); string name = object.getstring("name"); string image = object.getstring("picture"); ls.add(email); ls.add(name); ls.add(picture); } catch(nullpointerexception e) { throw e; } grab (tokenresponseexception e) { throw e; } homecoming ls; } }

above works fine 1 time authenticating user , redirecting given url after application not secure. url in application not secure. want include spring security along google oauth. there detailed illustration that. have searched google , have not been successful. want working illustration spring security , google oauth. nay help

here giving few links. helpful me understanding purpose. hope help too. on this link can go desired category. considering spring security oauth, can check.

java spring spring-mvc oauth

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