Friday 15 July 2011

osx - OS X Yosemite Webdav -

osx - OS X Yosemite Webdav -

i want setup webdav preinstalled apache/2.4.9 (unix) under macos x yosemite. if seek load dav modules, apachectl configtest results in errors

httpd: syntax error on line 158 of /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf: cannot load libexec/apache2/ server: dlopen(/usr/libexec/apache2/, 10): symbol not found: _dav_add_response\n referenced from: /usr/libexec/apache2/\n expected in: flat namespace\n in /usr/libexec/apache2/

how can prepare this.

this httpd.conf

serverroot "/usr" #listen hear 80 # # dynamic shared object (dso) back upwards # # able utilize functionality of module built dso # have place corresponding `loadmodule' lines @ location # directives contained in available _before_ used. # statically compiled modules (those listed `httpd -l') not need # loaded here. # # example: # loadmodule foo_module modules/ # loadmodule authn_file_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule authn_dbm_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule authn_anon_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule authn_dbd_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule authn_socache_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule authn_core_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule authz_host_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule authz_groupfile_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule authz_user_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule authz_dbm_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule authz_owner_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule authz_dbd_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule authz_core_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule authnz_ldap_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule access_compat_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule auth_basic_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule auth_form_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule auth_digest_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule allowmethods_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule file_cache_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule cache_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule cache_disk_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule cache_socache_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule socache_shmcb_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule socache_dbm_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule socache_memcache_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule watchdog_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule macro_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule dbd_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule dumpio_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule echo_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule buffer_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule data_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule ratelimit_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule reqtimeout_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule ext_filter_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule request_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule include_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule filter_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule reflector_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule substitute_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule sed_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule charset_lite_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule deflate_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule xml2enc_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule proxy_html_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule mime_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule ldap_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule log_config_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule log_debug_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule log_forensic_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule logio_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule env_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule mime_magic_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule expires_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule headers_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule usertrack_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule unique_id_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule setenvif_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule version_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule remoteip_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule proxy_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule proxy_connect_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule proxy_ftp_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule proxy_http_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule proxy_fcgi_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule proxy_scgi_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule proxy_fdpass_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule proxy_wstunnel_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule proxy_ajp_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule proxy_balancer_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule proxy_express_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule session_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule session_cookie_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule session_dbd_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule slotmem_shm_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule slotmem_plain_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule ssl_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule dialup_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule lbmethod_byrequests_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule lbmethod_bytraffic_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule lbmethod_bybusyness_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule lbmethod_heartbeat_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule unixd_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule heartbeat_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule heartmonitor_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule dav_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule status_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule autoindex_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule asis_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule info_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule cgi_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule dav_fs_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule dav_lock_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule vhost_alias_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule negotiation_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule dir_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule imagemap_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule actions_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule speling_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule userdir_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule alias_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/ loadmodule php5_module libexec/apache2/ #loadmodule hfs_apple_module libexec/apache2/ <ifmodule unixd_module> user _www grouping _www </ifmodule> serveradmin # # servername gives name , port server uses identify itself. # can determined automatically, recommend specify # explicitly prevent problems during startup. # # if host doesn't have registered dns name, come in ip address here. # #servername # # deny access entirety of server's filesystem. must # explicitly permit access web content directories in other # <directory> blocks below. # <directory /> allowoverride none require denied </directory> # # note point forwards must allow # particular features enabled - if something's not working # might expect, create sure have enabled # below. # # # documentroot: directory out of serve # documents. default, requests taken directory, # symbolic links , aliases may used point other locations. # documentroot "/library/webserver/documents" <directory "/library/webserver/documents"> # # possible values options directive "none", "all", # or combination of: # indexes includes followsymlinks symlinksifownermatch execcgi multiviews # # note "multiviews" must named *explicitly* --- "options all" # doesn't give you. # # options directive both complicated , important. please see # # more information. # options followsymlinks multiviews multiviewsmatch # # allowoverride controls directives may placed in .htaccess files. # can "all", "none", or combination of keywords: # allowoverride fileinfo authconfig limit # allowoverride none # # controls can stuff server. # require granted </directory> # # directoryindex: sets file apache serve if directory # requested. # <ifmodule dir_module> directoryindex index.html </ifmodule> # # next lines prevent .htaccess , .htpasswd files beingness # viewed web clients. # <filesmatch "^\.([hh][tt]|[dd][ss]_[ss])"> require denied </filesmatch> # # apple specific filesystem protection. # <files "rsrc"> require denied </files> <directorymatch ".*\.\.namedfork"> require denied </directorymatch> # # errorlog: location of error log file. # if not specify errorlog directive within <virtualhost> # container, error messages relating virtual host # logged here. if *do* define error logfile <virtualhost> # container, host's errors logged there , not here. # errorlog "/private/var/log/apache2/error_log" # # loglevel: command number of messages logged error_log. # possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, # alert, emerg. # loglevel warn <ifmodule log_config_module> # # next directives define format nicknames utilize # customlog directive (see below). # logformat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{referer}i\" \"%{user-agent}i\"" combined logformat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" mutual <ifmodule logio_module> # need enable mod_logio.c utilize %i , %o logformat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{referer}i\" \"%{user-agent}i\" %i %o" combinedio </ifmodule> # # location , format of access logfile (common logfile format). # if not define access logfiles within <virtualhost> # container, logged here. contrariwise, if *do* # define per-<virtualhost> access logfiles, transactions # logged therein , *not* in file. # customlog "/private/var/log/apache2/access_log" mutual # # if prefer logfile access, agent, , referer info # (combined logfile format) can utilize next directive. # #customlog "/private/var/log/apache2/access_log" combined </ifmodule> <ifmodule alias_module> # # redirect: allows tell clients documents used # exist in server's namespace, not anymore. client # create new request document @ new location. # example: # redirect permanent /foo # # alias: maps web paths filesystem paths , used # access content not live under documentroot. # example: # alias /webpath /full/filesystem/path # # if include trailing / on /webpath server # require nowadays in url. # need provide <directory> section allow access # filesystem path. # # scriptalias: controls directories contain server scripts. # scriptaliases same aliases, except # documents in target directory treated applications , # run server when requested rather documents sent # client. same rules trailing "/" apply scriptalias # directives alias. # scriptaliasmatch ^/cgi-bin/((?!(?i:webobjects)).*$) "/library/webserver/cgi-executables/$1" </ifmodule> <ifmodule cgid_module> # # scriptsock: on threaded servers, designate path unix # socket used communicate cgi daemon of mod_cgid. # #scriptsock cgisock </ifmodule> # # "/library/webserver/cgi-executables" should changed whatever scriptaliased # cgi directory exists, if have configured. # <directory "/library/webserver/cgi-executables"> allowoverride none options none require granted </directory> <ifmodule mime_module> # # typesconfig points file containing list of mappings # filename extension mime-type. # typesconfig /private/etc/apache2/mime.types # # addtype allows add together or override mime configuration # file specified in typesconfig specific file types. # #addtype application/x-gzip .tgz # # addencoding allows have browsers uncompress # info on fly. note: not browsers back upwards this. # #addencoding x-compress .z #addencoding x-gzip .gz .tgz # # if addencoding directives above commented-out, # should define extensions indicate media types: # addtype application/x-compress .z addtype application/x-gzip .gz .tgz # # addhandler allows map file extensions "handlers": # actions unrelated filetype. these can either built server # or added action directive (see below) # # utilize cgi scripts outside of scriptaliased directories: # (you need add together "execcgi" "options" directive.) # #addhandler cgi-script .cgi # type maps (negotiated resources): #addhandler type-map var # # filters allow process content before sent client. # # parse .shtml files server-side includes (ssi): # (you need add together "includes" "options" directive.) # #addtype text/html .shtml #addoutputfilter includes .shtml </ifmodule> # # mod_mime_magic module allows server utilize various hints # contents of file determine type. mimemagicfile # directive tells module hint definitions located. # #mimemagicfile /private/etc/apache2/magic # # customizable error responses come in 3 flavors: # 1) plain text 2) local redirects 3) external redirects # # examples: #errordocument 500 "the server made boo boo." #errordocument 404 /missing.html #errordocument 404 "/cgi-bin/" #errordocument 402 # # # maxranges: maximum number of ranges in request before # returning entire resource, or 1 of special # values 'default', 'none' or 'unlimited'. # default setting take 200 ranges. #maxranges unlimited # # enablemmap , enablesendfile: on systems back upwards it, # memory-mapping or sendfile syscall may used deliver # files. improves server performance, must # turned off when serving networked-mounted # filesystems or if back upwards these functions otherwise # broken on system. # defaults: enablemmap on, enablesendfile off # #enablemmap off #enablesendfile on traceenable off # supplemental configuration # # configuration files in /private/etc/apache2/extra/ directory can # included add together features or modify default configuration of # server, or may re-create contents here , alter # necessary. # server-pool management (mpm specific) include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-mpm.conf # multi-language error messages #include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf # fancy directory listings include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf # language settings #include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-languages.conf # user home directories #include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf # real-time info on requests , configuration #include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-info.conf # virtual hosts include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf # local access apache http server manual #include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-manual.conf # distributed authoring , versioning (webdav) include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-dav.conf # various default settings #include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-default.conf # configure mod_proxy_html understand html4/xhtml1 <ifmodule proxy_html_module> include /private/etc/apache2/extra/proxy-html.conf </ifmodule> # secure (ssl/tls) connections #include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-ssl.conf # # note: next must must nowadays back upwards # starting without ssl on platforms no /dev/random equivalent # statically compiled-in mod_ssl. # <ifmodule ssl_module> sslrandomseed startup builtin sslrandomseed connect builtin </ifmodule> include /private/etc/apache2/other/*.conf # # uncomment out below deal user agents deliberately # violate open standards misusing dnt (dnt *must* specific # end-user choice) # #<ifmodule setenvif_module> #browsermatch "msie 10.0;" bad_dnt #</ifmodule> #<ifmodule headers_module> #requestheader unset dnt env=bad_dnt #</ifmodule>

thank best regards

uncomment next line:

#loadmodule dav_module libexec/apache2/

osx apache webdav osx-yosemite

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