Sunday 15 April 2012

c# - Custom probes for Windows Azure Load-balancer -

c# - Custom probes for Windows Azure Load-balancer -

we trying create custom probes loadbalanced sets in windows azure. created windows communication foundation service probe, listening port 1001 (added inbound rule port in firewall - tcp, allow connection everyone).

this service homecoming 200 (ok) if conditions met, otherwise homecoming 404 (notfound).

the endpoint configured:

protocol - tcp public port - 50655 private port - 50655

we configured in loadbalanced set properties:

probe protocol - http probe path - probe probe port - 1001 probe interval - 15 number of probes - 2

the problem if probe service returning 404 vm, load balancer still choosing vm process request.

if configure endpoints have private , public port 1001 (the same probe port) working expected. need have endpoints listening port 50655. how can accomplish this?

i notice configured endpoint type tcp instead of http. think problem!

think logically , you'll see consequence load balancer can not assume should see http 200 success verify endpoint - because doesn't know if http response @ all!

so instead fall doing tcp style 'are up' test, send syn port, , check gets ack back.

c# wcf azure azure-virtual-machine azure-vm-role

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