Sunday 15 April 2012

visual studio - Reference C++/CLI class in xaml static resources -

visual studio - Reference C++/CLI class in xaml static resources -

i developping app windows 8.1, insert static c++ class

static ref class booleantovisibleconverter sealed : ivalueconverter

into resource list located in xaml file:

<application.resources> <local:booleantovisibleconverter x:key="boolconvert"/> </application.resources>

as hard maintain trying, maintain getting next error : name "booleantovisibleconverter" not exist in namespace "using:app15".

for information, "local:" refers "using:app15" namespace of c++ file.

i tried every namespace possible, there no way can manage working myself...

there may other issues here (such namespace declarations in xaml file), 2 things jump out @ me class definition:

you need declare class public. public ref class... static doesn't here. you're getting compiler warning this: got warning c4091: 'static ' : ignored on left of 'booleantovisibleconverter' when no variable declared it's not static in c sense, applies within file appears. it's not static class (i.e., not insatiable) in c# sense: ivalueconverters need instantiated work, , c++/cli uses different syntax anyway.

switch public ref class booleantovisibleconverter ..., , see how goes.

visual-studio xaml c++-cli

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