Sunday 15 April 2012

mysql - How to update the values of a single column with the result of a query? -

mysql - How to update the values of a single column with the result of a query? -

i'm having problem getting query work in mysql:

update proyects_c set director=(select users.keyid users,proyects users.username=proyects.director );

now problem subquery returns more 1 row. thing is, want. number of rows returns same number of rows in proyects_c, hence expected update every row in column director result of query.

however error:

error 1242 (21000) @ line 23: subquery returns more 1 row

which makes sense, can't want. doing wrong?

as secondary question, how can split 2 queries? clarity's sake.

maybe :

update proyects_c p inner bring together users u on u.username = p.director set p.director = u.keyid

mysql sql

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