Sunday 15 April 2012

PHP FORM navigation with Hidden values -

PHP FORM navigation with Hidden values -

i developing form in php. there variables prepare displayed in link of web page. variable passed other page in hidden , not fixed.


http://editform.php?var1=23&var2=34 have hidden variables hidvar=23

http://editform.php?var1=23 not have hidden variable , var2 not there

i have checked variable in link isset function. if(isset($_get['var2']))

now how variables values in page combination of hidden variables , variable in link.

i farther adding code allow thought need. below web page saved webform.php

<?php if(isset($_get['yid'])) { $yrid=$_get["yid"]; } else { $yrid=0; echo "variable missing. programme terminated."; } ?> // value of $pass; //get value of sessionid; //get value of yid. <form action="webform.php?pass=<?php echo $pass;?>" name="form1" method="post"> <?php //statement operation using $yrid; ?> <input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="<?php echo $sesid; ?>" /> </form>

while (list($key, $value) = each($_request)) { echo ($key.' '.$value); }

where $key variable name, $value variable value

php forms navigation isset

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