Sunday 15 April 2012

Hazelcast Near-Cache not working -

Hazelcast Near-Cache not working -

i'm working on integrating hazelcast our scheme , trying out near caching can across issue.

i doing hazelcast configuration through spring our configuration being:

<hz:hazelcast id="instance"> <hz:config> <hz:management-center enabled="true" url="sanitized" update-interval="5" /> <hz:network port="5701"> <hz:join> <hz:multicast enabled="false" /> <hz:tcp-ip enabled="true"> <hz:members>#{systemproperties['hazelcast.members']}</hz:members> </hz:tcp-ip> </hz:join> <hz:interfaces> <hz:interface>192.168.24.*</hz:interface> </hz:interfaces> </hz:network> <hz:map name="default" merge-policy="package.custommergepolicy"> <!-- near cache default values --> <hz:near-cache cache-local-entries="false" eviction-policy="lru" in-memory-format="binary" invalidate-on-change="true" max-idle-seconds="0" max-size="0" time-to-live-seconds="0" /> </hz:map> </hz:config> </hz:hazelcast>

first node started throwing next warning

nov 04, 2014 4:46:23 pm warning: []:5701 [dev] [3.3.1] cache clear operation has been accepted while near cache not enabled cache_afi.sessionslastactivityplus map. possible configuration conflict among nodes.

both nodes have same exact configuration (configuration packaged , copied both nodes).

any thought why happening?

edit: farther testing has shown warning beingness displayed on first node started (regardless node running test). additionally, using management center confirmed both nodes have same configuration, seems first node started not activating near-caching of maps.


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