Sunday 15 April 2012

jQuery-UI's .dialog with jQuery Mobile? -

jQuery-UI's .dialog with jQuery Mobile? -

i'm working on retrofitting large, existing webapp makes extensive utilize of jquery ui work acceptably on mobile devices. had been hoping able utilize jquery mobile library this, since takes care of much of headache of making form elements behave nicely on touch screen devices, , seems working plenty - except jquery ui dialogs, not respond in way, nor produce console errors.

i'm guessing happening because jquery mobile has .dialog method, functionally incompatible jquery ui style of creating dialogs.

without jquery mobile, jquery ui dialogs work great on every mobile device i've tested, that, of course, leaves me important amount of work making custom mobile styles of buttons , inputs site-wide. there upwards of 100 instances of jquery ui's dialog widget in app, rewriting of hand utilize jquery mobile method not great solution either.

ideally, i'd able go on utilize jquery ui's dialog widget instead of jquery mobile's, maintain rest of jquery mobile functionality intact. i've been looking quite time , have yet find resource offers solution problem, i'm wondering if here knows of way resolve conflict.

the jquery ui version on site 1.11.1, , jquery mobile version 1.4.3 - site makes utilize of google hosted libraries , should ideally remain way, editing libraries last-ditch effort.

edit: create verify assumptions, i've tested customized jquery mobile version built the download builder removes dialog widget, , jquery ui 1 works that. however, still preferable if work using google hosted library somehow.

dialogs deprecated of jquery mobile 1.4.0 , removed in 1.5.0. dialog alternative provided page.dialog extension of page widget allows style page dialog, however, special navigational handling removed. may consider implementing dialogs using popup widgets.

maybe want utilize popup instead of dialog needs

jquery jquery-ui jquery-mobile jquery-ui-dialog jquery-mobile-dialog

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