Wednesday 15 August 2012

glassfish 4 - How to configure Wildfly JMS connection factory and destination -

glassfish 4 - How to configure Wildfly JMS connection factory and destination -

i have migrated glassfish 4 wildfly 8.1

i have configured jms connection mill , destination in glassfish as:

connection factory------------------------------ jndi name: emailconnectionfactory resource type: javax.jms.queueconnectionfactory destination ------------------------------------ jndi name: emailqueue resource type: javax.jms.queue

in wildfly go configuration->messaging->destinations->connection factories , come in values name , jndi name above. tells me jndi name must start 'java:/' or 'java:jboss/'. tried utilize jndi name 'java:/connectionfactory' , destination , in configuration->messaging->destinations->queue/topics jndi name 'java:/jms/queue/emailqueue'

but didnt gave me , exception , didnt send email previous email setting

do same configuration in standalone-full.xml file . link1


jms glassfish-4 wildfly-8

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