Saturday 15 September 2012

for loop - How to improve my AMPL SP model with more dimensions -

for loop - How to improve my AMPL SP model with more dimensions -

i have problem ampl stochastic programming,

currently have 3 scenarios , assign probabilities before each solution.

for { t in 1..size-1 2} { allow demand := demandseq[t]; allow resources := resourcesseq[t]; # alter probability of each stage if statesequence[t] = 1 # n { allow p[1]:= 0.7; allow p[2]:= 0.2; allow p[3]:= 0.1; } else if statesequence[t] = 2 # { allow p[1]:= 0.6; allow p[2]:= 0.3; allow p[3]:= 0.1; } else if statesequence[t] = 3 # m { allow p[1]:= 0.5; allow p[2]:= 0.4; allow p[3]:= 0.1; }; solve; ... }

now if alter 3 scenarios problem 10 scenarios problem. have 10*10 probability matrix, don't know how assign prob.

as replied on ampl google group, can define two-dimensional parameter store probabilities:

param probs{1..10, 1..10};

define in info in compact form (or read database or spreadsheet), example:

data; param probs : 1 2 3 ... 10 := 1 0.1 0.2 0.05 ... 0.1 ...

and utilize iterated form of let assign info p:

let {i in 1..10} p[i] := prob[statesequence[t], i];

for-loop matrix ampl sp

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