Saturday 15 September 2012

javascript - Backbone collection and models not disposed -

javascript - Backbone collection and models not disposed -

any compassionate geeky human being out there in wilderness, please help me.

i developing simple app using backbone 1.1.2.

one of (dumb) views in charge of displaying collection of items no server-side interaction.

as matter of fact, collection created bootstrapped info so:

the bootstrapped data:

class="lang-js prettyprint-override">var bootsrappedtestitems = function() {return json.parse('[ {"itemid" : 1, "item" : "item 1"}, {"itemid" : 2, "item" : "item 2"}, {"itemid" : 3, "item" : "item 3"}]')}

the model:

class="lang-js prettyprint-override">var testitem = backbone.model.extend ({ idattribute: 'itemid' });

the collection:

class="lang-js prettyprint-override">var testitems = backbone.collection.extend({ model: testitem });

the creation of view (via router):

class="lang-js prettyprint-override">data = new testitems(bootsrappedtestitems()) currentview = new view(data)

now, trying accomplish next behaviors:

when view beingness rendered first time, create collection bootstrapped data; when view beingness closed, dispose collection , models; when view beingness rendered afresh, re-create collection bootstrapped data.

regarding point 1., works expected.

regarding point 2., consider view beingness closed via custom method performs next operations:

class="lang-js prettyprint-override">this.stoplistening() if (this.collection) {, null, this) this.collection.reset() } this.remove()

i did verify view correctly beingness closed (no zombie issue).

i must add together tried destroy each model, (with no surprise) backbone spitted out error in console, model definition hasn't go valid url property. tried set models' ids , itemids null in order fool backbone around, must sadly confess backbone seems way smarter me.

regarding point 3., expecting have 1 collection models @ given point, no matter how many times view beingness re-rendered.

contrary expectations, verified closed , re-rendered view several times, no collection beingness disposed ended baffling (not appalling) scenario:

old collections empty persisted in memory; there duplicate models: of them belonged lastly created collection, vast bulk seemed orphans, pointing old (and empty) collections.

now, reason (inexplicable me), old collections , duplicate models persisted stubbornly in memory because entity (obscure me) still referencing them, preventing javascript engine doing nice, proper , cathartic garbage collect.

so - compassionate geeky human being - inquire you:

what doing wrong theoretical perspective? how can track (via chrome or firefox developer tools) obnoxious entity referencing old collections , duplicate models? can enlighten me other piece of info worth considering in nowadays piteous case?

many :-)

i guess you'd tried phone call destroy method on each model. wrong way in case because don't enable/use syncing server. destroy method intended delete model server, not delete model itself. cannot latter in javascript (see here details). can delete reference model, e.g. assigning null.

javascript backbone.js

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