Saturday 15 September 2012

r - How to get ggplot ecdf to plot with filled background -

r - How to get ggplot ecdf to plot with filled background -

i'm trying empirical cumulative density curves have backgrounds filled can't seem going.

i've tried next 2 approaches, first appears alter alpha of curve , not fill

ggplot( mydataframe , aes( x=myvariable , fill=myfactor ) ) + geom_step ( stat="ecdf" , aes( colour = myfactor ) , alpha=1 ) + coord_cartesian( xlim = c( 0 , quantile( mydataframe$myvariable , prob=0.99 ) ) ) + facet_grid ( myfactor ~ . , scales="free_y" )

the sec appears equilavent above

ggplot( mydataframe , aes( x=myvariable , fill=myfactor ) ) + stat_ecdf ( aes( colour = myfactor ) ,alpha=0.2 ) + coord_cartesian( xlim = c( 0 , quantile( mydataframe$myvariable , prob=0.99 ) ) ) + facet_grid ( myfactor ~ . , scales="free_y" )

i wonder if fill 100% across total xlim factor levels saturate early.

something this?

library(ggplot2) set.seed(1) df <- data.frame(var=c(rnorm(1000),rpois(1000,25),rgamma(1000,25)), fact=rep(c("n","p","g"),each=1000)) ggplot(df,aes(x=var,fill=fact))+ stat_ecdf(aes(ymin=0,ymax=..y..),geom="ribbon")+ stat_ecdf(geom="step")+ facet_grid(fact~.,scales="free_y")

r plot ggplot2

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