Saturday 15 September 2012

Why is the "this" keyword final in Java? -

Why is the "this" keyword final in Java? -

this question has reply here:

why assignment 'this' not allowed in java? 6 answers

it seems thing no 1 has realized, "this reference" in java final. in normal programming day thought redefine entire instance redefining reference within own class:

public void method() { = new myobject("arg1", arg2, arg3); //it throws compile error }

why reference final in java?

the problem not this final reference - it's not reference @ all. this keyword "denotes value reference object instance method or default method invoked" (jls §15.8.3).

furthermore, wouldn't create sense reassign in sense variable can reassigned. remember reassigning reference changes reference, , not other references might point same object. reassigning this not insane useless.

java final

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