Tuesday 15 January 2013

curl - How to access ALL documents in a CouchDB database? -

curl - How to access ALL documents in a CouchDB database? -

how iterate on couchdb documents? know couchdb can accessed through curl i'm unable documents because can't figure out syntax urls.

i've database ibmuwarticles , found curl syntax verifying exists through _all_dbs parameter:

curl -x ["ibmuwarticles"]

but how access info in it? curl syntax , parameter after slash access info in ibmuwarticles?

i tried guessing , used _all_data slash parameter, didn't work

curl -x {"error":"illegal_database_name","reason":"only lowercase characters (a-z), digits (0-9), , of characters _, $, (, ), +, -, , / allowed. must begin letter."}

i believe syntax /db_name/_all_docs. see documentation farther details.

so in case following:

curl -x

hope helps

curl couchdb

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