Tuesday 15 January 2013

php - Confused about Paypal SDK's steps to integrate into Laravel? -

php - Confused about Paypal SDK's steps to integrate into Laravel? -

i'm trying utilize paypal's rest api integrate paypal bundle laravel application, i'm coming unstuck on 1 of steps, , there seems no documentation how so.

i've downloaded , installed bundle composer, step:

* re-create sample configuration file sdk_config.ini location of selection , allow sdk know config path using next define directive. define('pp_config_path', /path/to/your/sdk_config.ini);

is confusing. i've located sample config file, i'm unsure of best place set in laravel project, , i'm unsure of place define php command. ideas?

i set mutual 3-rd party ini config files within app/config directory , add together define statement within app/start/global.php this:

if (!defined('pp_config_path')) { define('pp_config_path', app_path('config') . "/sdk_config.ini"); }

php laravel paypal

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