Tuesday 15 January 2013

printing - iOS 8 Safari print redirect doesn't stop javascript execution -

printing - iOS 8 Safari print redirect doesn't stop javascript execution -

i have need provide ability print label on successful save , after print redirect search page. works in chrome, firefox, ie, ios 6/7 safari, etc. however, seems ios 8 no longer stops execution of javascript when window.print() issued javascript.

if navigate this jsfiddle example ios 8 safari (connected computer can view console logs) , click print button see console.log trigger when print dialog up. if want print , navigate print wrong screen unless have delay gives plenty time nail print isn't acceptable in case.

i did artificial delay because in ios 6/7 seemed print dialog stop execution of javascript. in case 500ms plenty create work.

has else seen issue when doing similar thing in ios 8 safari? have introduced new event hear utilize this?

// illustration code window.print(); settimeout(function() { console.log('this should print after print issued in ios print dialog.'); }, 500);

you can utilize window.matchmedia (caniuse link), combined window.onbeforeprint , window.onafterprint (for before ie support). reference using matchmedia can found here , here.

to satisfy using matchmedia ios, utilize nested events. first, hear media type alter print. then, within callback, hear media alter screen.

if (window.matchmedia) { var printquery = window.matchmedia('print'); printquery.addlistener(function() { var screenquery = window.matchmedia('screen'); printquery.addlistener(function() { //actions after print dialog close here }); }); }

javascript printing ios8 mobile-safari

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