Tuesday 15 January 2013

django - Nested TabularInline model in DjangoAdmin -

django - Nested TabularInline model in DjangoAdmin -

i have 3 models: firstentity, secondentity , thirdentity. have used tubularinline include secondentity in firstentity form, cannot figure out best way include thirdentity part of secondentity. assume method nested inline?

so construction following: firstentity <- secondentity <- thirdentity

here sample code:

# models class firstentity(models.model): name = model.charfield() class secondentity(models.model): name = model.charfield() firstentity = models.foreignkey(firstentity) class thirdentity(models.model): name = model.charfield() secondentity = models.foreignkey(secondentity) # admin class secondentityinline(admin.tabularinline): model = secondentity class firstentityadmin(admin.modeladmin): inlines = ( secondentityinline, )

as sidenote utilize django 1.7.2

i solve problem using manytomany field instead, have hard time figuring out whether should avoid or utilize m2m fields.

have @ django-nested-inline



django django-models django-admin

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