Tuesday 15 January 2013

ios - Programatically generate stack trace in Objective C -

ios - Programatically generate stack trace in Objective C -

i interested in getting readable stack-trace when iphone/ipad crashes. send info our server 1 time trapped. know there tools crashlytics well, remain away 3rd party tools if @ possible. way know info manually retrieving , have file symbolicated on mac before can analyzed. doing can troublesome if don't have re-create of original application binary , .dsym file generated when binary built. believe crashlytics somehow without actual binary or .dsym file leads me believe simple stack trace can generate programmatically. has done or have pointers how within objective c send info our servers error reporting?

is @ possible create readable stack-trace within objective c on ios device without having first send file mac both actual binary or .dsym file?

just utilize

[nsthread callstacksymbols]

ios objective-c stack-trace

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