Tuesday 15 January 2013

python - scrapy with django : how to use foreign key -

python - scrapy with django : how to use foreign key -

i want utilize scrapy django,but don't know how deal django foreignkey database postgresql

please guide me. give thanks you.


class shoppingapple(models.model): link = models.urlfield(max_length=255) title = models.charfield(max_length=100) class imageapple(models.model): article = models.foreignkey(shoppingapple) image =models.charfield(max_length=255)


class shoppipeline(object): if isinstance(item, shop_appleitem): shopping = item.save(commit=false) shopping.save() homecoming item if isinstance(item, shop_apple_imgitem): shopping = item.save(commit=false) shopping.save() homecoming item

spider this:

def parse(self,response): item = shopping_appleitem() product = shopping_apple_imgitem() sel = selector(response) item['link'] = sel.css(" ").extract() item['title'] = sel.css(" ").extract() product['image'] = sel.css(" ").extract() yield item yield product

when run scrapy ,the error :

django.db.utils.integrityerror: null value in column "article_id" violates not-null constraint detail: failing row contains (1, null, http://test...).

have checked if have null value somewhere? seek setting default null test.

alter table article set default null

postgresql alter table

then run 1 time again see if same error.

python django scrapy

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