Monday 15 April 2013

angularjs - How can I access my service from module setup in Angular Jasmine Test? -

angularjs - How can I access my service from module setup in Angular Jasmine Test? -

i have next in jasmine test angular...

beforeeach(module('app')); beforeeach(module('')); beforeeach(module(function ($provide, config) { reservationcallerjquery = { reservebooking: function (reservationrequestdto, reservebookingsuccess) { dojquerypost(reservationrequestdto.item, "i need value config class", reservebookingsuccess); } $provide.value("reservationcaller", reservationcallerjquery); }));

but error:

error: [$injector:modulerr] failed instantiate module function ($provide,config) due to: error: [$injector:unpr] unknown provider: config

so how set string of stub config? (the config lives in '')...i think need there how?

you'r missing inject, can inject service, constant, controller etc.. in 1 of 2 ways :

in inject callback can retrieve $injector , want.

var myservice, location; beforeeach(function() { inject(function($injector) { myservice = $injector.get('myservice'); location = $injector.get("$location"); }); });


get service directly, can add together _servicename_ resolve servicename allow utilize servicename var in test :

var scope, $rootscope, $location; beforeeach(inject(function (_$rootscope_, _$location_) { scope = $rootscope.$new(); $rootscope = _$rootscope_; $location = _$location_ }));

my typical test setup :

beforeeach(module('myapp')); beforeeach(module('')); beforeeach(module('myapp.controllers')); var ctrl, scope, myservice; beforeeach(inject(function ($rootscope, $controller, $injector) { scope = $rootscope.$new(); ctrl = $controller('myctrl', {$scope: scope}); myservice = $injector.get('myservice'); }));

angularjs jasmine angular-mock

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