Monday 15 April 2013

encryption - Using Openssl to decrypt AES 128 bits CBC based64 text -

encryption - Using Openssl to decrypt AES 128 bits CBC based64 text -

i trying utilize openssl decrypt next aes 128 bits cbc based64 text (not padded) contained in input.txt


the first 16bytes iv. encryption key h4ckth1sk3yp4d16

i tried using command:

openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -d -base64 -k 6834636b746831736b33797034643136 -iv 627a7843484d57462b4b564d756d4b62 -in input.txt -out result.txt

in input.txt, remove first 16 bytes of encrypted text when running above command.

but kept getting error:

bad decrypt 3073874120:error:0606506d:digital envelope routines:evp_decryptfinal_ex:wrong final block length:evp_enc.c:532:

can tell what's wrong here? thanks!

encryption cryptography openssl

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