Monday 15 April 2013

apache - Facebook needs PHP Curl Extension issue with php.ini file -

apache - Facebook needs PHP Curl Extension issue with php.ini file -

i trying setup local version of website can testing on. when open site in browser php error:

( ! ) exception: facebook needs curl php extension. in c:\wamp\www\mysie.tld\includes\facebook-graph\base_facebook.php on line 19

so did bit of reading , saw due wampserver not having extension enabled php. did phpinfo() , output .ini file beingness loaded.


i opened file in text editor , removed semi colon before line:


i restarted wampserver , reloaded site. unfortunately, error persisted , not know can prepare it! help much appreciated.

managed figure out quick scan through similar questions on so. if running same issue due bug in curl.dllfile came wamp 2.2. in order rectify issue downloaded link:

i moved , replaced curl.dll file in downloaded folder curl.dll file located in php ext directory.

restarted wamp , problem resolved.

php apache curl wamp

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