Monday 15 April 2013

angularjs - Protractor + chrome driver: Element is not clickable at point -

angularjs - Protractor + chrome driver: Element is not clickable at point -

hi having problem getting basic protractor test work.

my setup:

i utilize requirejs init angular using angular.bootstrap(), not ng-app attr. according protractor docs not supported out of box, seems work fine tests don' involve clicking.

protractor conf.json:

"use strict"; exports.config = { specs: '../e2etests/**/*.js', chromeonly: true, getpagetimeout: 30000, allscriptstimeout: 30000 } i utilize 3rd party jquery plugs wrap in directives, suspect these might part of issue.

the test:

"use strict"; describe('when clicking should add together stuff', function () { var ptor; beforeeach(function () { browser.get('https://localhost/myapp'); ptor = protractor.getinstance(); }); it('add stuff', function () { // if comment this, test pass. element('add-stuff-button')).click(); // not matter fails on line above.. expect(browser.gettitle()).tobedefined(); }); });

the error:

unknownerror: unknown error: element not clickable @ point (720, 881). other element receive click: <div class="col-md-5 col-md-offset-5">...</div> (session info: chrome=37.0.2062.124) (driver info: chromedriver=2.10.267521,platform=windows nt 6.1 sp1 x86_64)


the chromedriver find button, because if alter id complains no element found. think problem button moves initial position. element(***) function should wait angular done, suspect 3rd party plugins might interfere might not utilize angular api's fetching info etc. angular think done 3rd party plug populates , moves stuff around.

any ideas do? if 3rd party plugs problem, can somehow tell angular 3rd party stuff going on , later tell when done?

thx br twd

you should set window size in config file

onprepare: function() { browser.manage().window().setsize(1600, 1000); }

angularjs protractor selenium-chromedriver

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