Monday 15 April 2013

How to make 2D scatter plot in Matlab with colors depending on values? -

How to make 2D scatter plot in Matlab with colors depending on values? -

i have 3 vectors of same lenght: x, y, , cls. want create 2d plot of x , y each point should have color corresponding value of cls.

i thought using scatter function can chage color of whole plot, not of particular elements. ideas?

i in example, when cls has elements of 3 values:

from help of scatter:

scatter(x,y,a,c) specifies circle colors. plot circles same color, specify c single color string or rgb triplet. utilize varying color, specify c vector or three-column matrix of rgb triplets.

you can build c

c=zeros(size(x),3); c(cls==1,:)=[1 0 0]; % 1 reddish % ... scatter(x,y,1,c)

however, dont know how background. did apply machine learning algorithm clasify data? maybe can equations plot background there, depends on method.

matlab plot

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