Wednesday 15 May 2013

AngularJS - simple routing not working -

AngularJS - simple routing not working -

i have route parameter this

var app = angular.module("myapp", ["ngroute"]); app.config(['$routeprovider', '$locationprovider', function ($routeprovider, $locationprovider) { $locationprovider.hashprefix("!").html5mode(true); $routeprovider .when('/sukien', { templateurl: '/app/views/sukien/index.html' , controller: 'eventctrl' }) .when('/sukien/:id', { templateurl: function (params) { homecoming '/app/views/sukien/index.html?id=' + }, controller: 'eventctrl' }) }])

why /sukien works , /sukien/:id doesn't ? indeed, angularjs seems not understand is. "uncaught typeerror: undefined not function"

/sukien/333 => failed work.

you mixing template url, state of application , search parameters seems.

the templateurl tells angularjs html file : unlikely depend on , set via function, rather constant.

it has nil see url user sees in browser.

for illustration : '/app/views/sukien/suiken.html'

the url user sees :


and can access id in controller via $


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