Wednesday 15 May 2013

Modx chunk as tpl returns php array in pre tags -

Modx chunk as tpl returns php array in pre tags -

i have problem regarding showing contents of template file.

my actual code template is:

[[!getpage? &element=`getresources` &tpl=`individual-productswebspec` &sortby=`menuindex` &sortdir=`asc` &includecontent=`1` &includetvs=`1` &limit=`[[!sortvalue]]` ]]

where individual-productswebspec file want show contents in &tpl= variable , stored in chunks folder.

my page showing same content fine without error when show &tpl=individual-productswebspec on anther page abc shows php array in <pre> tags.

my whole info loaded <pre> tags. , no proper output render on page.

when getresources not have tpl attribute or cannot find chunk specified in tpl, dump results array in set of tags. suspect on non-working pages have individual-productswebspec misspelled. [check: case? spaces? missing ticks?]

php modx modx-templates modx-resources

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