Wednesday 15 May 2013

python tkinter canvas feature, trying to use StringVar-s to draw arcs -

python tkinter canvas feature, trying to use StringVar-s to draw arcs -

im trying create arc tkinter canvas widget, whatever do, cant create_arc function work. tried assigning values normal python variables in main function body, doesnt work either. here total code.

from tkinter import * tkinter import ttk root = tk() emasektor = stringvar() def arvutapalgad(*args): try: sissetulek.set(x+y+z) emasektor.set(float((x/(x+y+z))*360)) isasektor = 90 lastesektor = (z/(x+y+z))*360 except valueerror: **raam.create_arc(20, 20, 180, 180,start = 0,extent=emasektor.get(),fill='red')**

here minimal illustration works. build until bit @ time until not work. should tell causing problem.

import tkinter tk root = can = tk.canvas(root) can.pack() arc = can.create_arc(100,100,200,300, fill='red') root.mainloop()

or start code , cutting or comment out until not 'work'. also, when posting question, more specific 'does not work'. if there traceback, post it.

python canvas tkinter

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