Sunday 15 September 2013

c# - Entity Framework Save not working -

c# - Entity Framework Save not working -

i using entity framework save info in sqlite database file.

this table in db file

id name username pwd

id autoincrement, , rest of columns of text type

this how saving info database:

userinfo userinfo=new userinfo();"abc"; userinfo.username="xyz"; userinfo.pwd="123456"; using (var context = new applicationcontext()) { context.userinfo.add(userinfo); context.savechanges(); }

the problem is, code not inserting new row table. tried before saving, no luck

context.entry<userinfo>(userinfo).state = entitystate.added; context.changetracker.detectchanges();

i tried debugging , no exception occurring.

how can insert new row table using entity framework?

possibilities may cause issue.

right click on entity info model , update model database. create sure have updated till lastly change. make sure looking @ right database , table. every 1 makes error 1 time in while. make sure using valid connection string. pointing proper databases. create sure not old db / other backup db. make sure using proper entity date.

the above code have, working fine me. did workout sort out issue.

the above points guesses.

refer link entity info model example & one more illustration code available here

c# entity-framework

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