Sunday 15 September 2013

Loading a html page inside a div with it's jQuery and CSS -

Loading a html page inside a div with it's jQuery and CSS -

i want load page image slider, within div using .load() method. it's working slider jquery script within html page doesn't work , it's css too.

how can prepare this?

without seeing code, hard tell going on or you're looking do. explanation, here jquery page i'm working on:

$('input[type="image"].thumbnail').click(function() { var pagename =; $('#lookbookwindow').load(pagename + '.html', function() { $('#lookbookslider').cycle( { fx: 'scrollhorz', timeout: 0, pause: false, next: '#next', prev: '#prev', }); }); }).first().click();

".thumbnail", "#lookbookwindow" , "#lookbookslider" specific project. construction help figure out problem.

jquery html load

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