Sunday 15 September 2013

powershell - Compare Dates in loop -

powershell - Compare Dates in loop -

i have requirement need read date csv file , compare date variable within script. however, code doesn't work when of date entries in csv file blank. thought how can store blank date in [datetime] variable?

here's part of code:

#this date variable in script $inactivitydate = (get-date).adddays(-62).date import-csv $mycsv | foreach { #this date variable i'm reading csv file $whencreated = $_.whencreated #this converts value in string variable $whencreated [datetime] format $convertwhencreated = ([datetime]::parseexact($whencreated,"dd/mm/yyyy",$null)) #comparing dates if($convertwhencreated -le $inactivitydate) { "account dormant" }

above code works fine when $whencreated contains value, when it's blank powershell cannot compare date variable blank value :( solution can see check if $whencreated blank , save old date happens in excel, e.g.:

if($whencreated -eq "") { $whencreated = "01/01/1900 00:00:00" }

should ok or there logical solution?

your problem isn't comparison, conversion of blank value date via parseexact(). if want accounts no date treated dormant this:

$whencreated = $_.whencreated if ($whencreated) { $whencreated = [datetime]::parseexact($whencreated, 'dd/mm/yyyy', $null) } if ($whencreated -le $inactivitydate) { 'account dormant' }

checking if empty string (or $null) lesser or equal $inactivitydate homecoming $true long $inactivitydate contains date.

date powershell

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