Sunday 15 September 2013

ruby on rails - Heroku add-ons 'Logentries' & 'FlyData' query -

ruby on rails - Heroku add-ons 'Logentries' & 'FlyData' query -

i have ruby on rails web app hosted on heroku , i've setup logentries add-on sets alarms 'high response time'.

lately, have started getting emails 'alert high response time', mention high response time triggered

heroku router - - at=info method=get path="/robots.txt"

now, know search engines google, microsoft utilize robots.txt ignore pages should not indexed. there other reason, why file accessed?

please right me if missing here.

oh, , using free version of heroku i.e. 1 worker website-content , have 1 worker runs periodic jobs using scheduler.

query #2-

what's wrong application, when next email logentries, subject - 'alert exit timeout'

exit timeout: heroku/my-app 2014-10-13 18:53:56.351 188 <45>1 2014-10-13t18:53:56.053533+00:00 heroku web.1 - - error r12 (exit timeout) -> @ to the lowest degree 1 process failed exit within 10 seconds of sigterm

query #3-

i installed flydata add-on trial see how works. emails subject - '[flydata-alert] (myapp) application error notification'. email says- we noticed next error logs on application (myapp) : 2014-10-08t23:59:53.042662+00:00 app[scheduler.3266]: ** [newrelic][10/08/14 23:59:53 +0000 21fd815f-5e08-42ab-80d8-4771ea1593c7 (2)] info : installing rails3 error instrumentation

i think email triggered because of info message new relic, says - installing rails3 error instrumentation. flydata add-on looks @ keyword 'error' , triggers email alert.

for query #2: heroku - exit timeout: heroku/my-app

according heroku's documentation, "a process failed exit within 10 seconds of beingness sent sigterm indicating should stop. process sent sigkill forcefulness exit."

there finish list of heroku errors codes, including one, can found here:

if you're using webrick run application on heroku, should seek switch using 'thin' see if helps: see or see previous reply on stackoverflow here: rails app hosted on heroku: error r12 (exit timeout)

hope helps.


ruby-on-rails heroku robots.txt logentries

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