Sunday 15 September 2013

osx - How to impose a cpu use of 100% for all my MATLAB session working in parallel? -

osx - How to impose a cpu use of 100% for all my MATLAB session working in parallel? -

i have 9 matlab jobs want run matlab terminal of mac (mac os x 10.8.5 2*2.4ghz 6-core intel xeon).

so open 9 tabs in terminal , in each of open matlab session using command:

//applications/ -nodesktop

then in each of these matlab session launch programme (which not -and can not- utilize parfor). jobs runs.

but when top in terminal window find out matlab sessions utilize between 1% , 45% of cpu (and suppose have 12 cores!).

any thought of problem might be? can impose percentage of cpu use?

i tried impose priority using

sudo renice -19 -p <pid number>

but not seem work (even changing -19 0 or +19).

thanks lot help,



as written @olivier, see 100% load if programme cpu-bound. if reads info disk, and/or handles big matrices, io-bound.

for instance simple loop

>> = 1:1000000000000; i=i+1;end

should max out cpu usage

15627 user 20 0 7161m 618m 110m s 102.0 0.4 2:44.14 matlab

so can utilize , see whether or not cpu usage reaches 100% 1 instance. if does, means code not cpu-bound, , might want seek , run more instances of matlab @ same time, memory permitting. if not, should review configuration , find cause of behavior.

osx matlab cpu cpu-usage multiple-instances

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