Wednesday 15 April 2015

mongodb - Complex Meteor Publication Isn't Reactively Updating As Expected -

mongodb - Complex Meteor Publication Isn't Reactively Updating As Expected -

i'm working on meteor app uses several collections reference each other in tree-style organization. however, they're represented flat collections in database structure. illustration have top-level cars collection, parts collection , sellers collection looks (pseudo-code):

cars { _id: make: model: year: etc... } parts { _id: carid: cars._id type: desc: etc... } seller { _id: partid: parts._id location: name: etc... }

so way reference each other in tree this:

car | ----> part | | | ----> seller | | | ----> seller | | | ----> seller | ----> part | ----> seller | ----> etc...

the problem i'm having utilize several top level publications pass car._id , want see sellers sell parts car. in route have subscribe looks this:

waiton: function() { homecoming meteor.subscribe('allsellersbycar', this.params._id); }

so homecoming sellers car._id fetch parts match car._id , utilize underscore _.pluck() part._id , find sellers match array of part._id:

meteor.publish('allsellersbycar', function(carid) { var parts = parts.find({carid: carid}).fetch(); homecoming sellers.find({partid: {$in: _.pluck(parts, "_id")}}); });

this method works fine , returns sellers correctly. problem method reatively homecoming sellers added existing parts , template live update expected, not homecoming sellers added new parts added car object. seems reactively updates lastly line of query. entire query doesn't rerun when new part gets added. if refresh page (and hence route), query reruns , gets returned correctly.

i have multiple publications in app, of have several more "middle-man" fetches before returning. i'm not sure how prepare or problem is. going pub/subs wrong? should de-normalize references more , add together carid each seller can query straight on seller collection in 1 line , not have go through parts fetch?

mongodb meteor iron-router

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