Wednesday 15 April 2015

ruby on rails - Splitting one big ActiveRecord model into multiple models -

ruby on rails - Splitting one big ActiveRecord model into multiple models -

i have model called agency has lot of fields:

name, state, promotion, offers_limit, promotion_type etc.

plus info agency imprint imprint_agency_name, imprint_tax_id, imprint_city, imprint_street, imprint_house_number, imprint_email, imprint_phone etc.

plus fields agency office address (agency can have office or can not have office, info not present).

is thought move imprint info separate related model imprint, in agency have has_one :imprint , imprint have belongs_to :agency relations? , creating office model (with 4-6 fields) related agency?

as albin said, splitting 1 big model multiple models turned out thing, when came relations, tons of validations, custom validations etc. simpler - better. , easier test.

ruby-on-rails ruby activerecord model

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