Wednesday 15 April 2015

select - Why is the callback not being executed? - Smalltalk -

select - Why is the callback not being executed? - Smalltalk -

i making web application adds youtube videos playlists. select displayed next thumbnails of videos containing user's current playlists, , when user clicks submit button, current video should added selected playlist. however, running problem callback not seem executing. apologize if reply trivial, because cannot see problem coming from:

html form with: [html select with: self session getplaylists keysdo: [:k | html alternative value: k; with: [html text:k]]]; callback: [:v | self session addvideo: ((searchres at: 'items') at: (i*2+x)) toplaylist: v. transcript show: 'call']. html break. html submitbutton class:'tiny button';value: 'add playlist']

sorry, code bet messy. basically, callback isn't executing (i know because 'call' not beingness printed transcript when form submitted). clarification appreciated.

because with: block in wrong place. in seaside, with: lastly message in cascade when using html canvas.

in more detail:

watagbrush>>with: anobject "render anobject receiver. create sure phone call #with: lastly in cascade, method serialize tag onto output document." self opentag. super with: [ self before. canvas render: anobject. self after ]. self isclosed iffalse: [ self closetag ]

where super phone call wabrush>>with:

wabrush>>with: with: ablock canvas nest: ablock. closed := true

so callback never written in response document server sends browser.

select callback smalltalk seaside

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