Wednesday 15 April 2015

Set complex key for Couchbase in java code -

Set complex key for Couchbase in java code -

i have view , can query web console of couchbase => startkey=[36]&endkey=[36,{}] (my view has 2 keys, want filter first key value.)

in java code, have tried

complexkey rangestart = complexkey.of(idcat, "{}"); complexkey rangeend = complexkey.of(idcat); query.setrange(complexkey.of(start), complexkey.of(end));

but can not create query operates. throws exception below. if remove line of query.setrange, query returns result successfully.

java.lang.runtimeexception: failed access view @ com.couchbase.client.couchbaseclient.query(

how can set keys query?

thanks help!

java couchbase

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