Wednesday 15 July 2015

Connection string keep connecting as database admin in sql server -

Connection string keep connecting as database admin in sql server -

hi developing first web site , having problems sql connections sql server. connecting via c#. here connection string :

string _connectionstring = "user id= badusername; password= badpassword; server = myserver; trusted_connection = yes; database= mydatabase; connection timeout = 30;

even bad username , bad password connection success , able perform select on database. ote database has 1 user : adminuser utilize windows credential connection. have tried sp_who stored procedure , user connected connection string adminuser. seems no matter set username or password in connection string, resulting user adminuser. have disable invitee connection , it's doing same thing. thought how avoid ?

because of trusted_connection = yes;(windows authentication)

when false, user id , password taken business relationship authentication. when true, current windows business relationship credentials used authentication.


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