Saturday 15 August 2015

How do I use Android's adb command while logged in as another user? -

How do I use Android's adb command while logged in as another user? -

i'm using ubuntu 14.04 , samsung galaxy s3 , experiencing problem android's adb command in project. here's situation (it's bit weird): can utilize adb fine when i'm logged normal ubuntu account; however, when perform sudo su *another_user* , seek execute adb kill-server; adb devices, adb no longer sees plugged-in device.

if log out of ubuntu , log another_user account, adb works fine. i'm stumped.

here udev rules. udev service has been restarted multiple times through service restarts , reboots.

subsystem=="usb", attrs{idvendor}=="04e8", mode="0666", owner="my_account", group="plugdev"

both my_account , another_user accounts have been added plugdev grouping , machine restarted. can else verify issue? can perchance identify solution?

android adb

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