Sunday 15 August 2010

android - {} Start Activity with motification msg data when push notification click from notification bar -

android - {} Start Activity with motification msg data when push notification click from notification bar -

i have implemented force notification tutorial android. 1 time notification received perform action based on json objects passed via broadcastreceiver.

however action performed 1 time user clicks force notification alert in notification tray. possible? tutorials can take activity opened via subscribe method.

i trying determine when particular force notification clicked launch app. sending pushes custom action , receiving them fine. when notification clicked open app first time, receive action , force notification info in extras. however, 1 time app open / backgrounded, extras never change. if open app different force notification or open app app icon, extras remain same original notification opened app (or no extras if app opened icon).

this code in onresume() method of activity

intent intentnotification = getintent(); bundle extras = intentnotification.getextras(); if (extras!=null) { string jsondata = extras.getstring( "" ); system.out.println("message info : "+jsondata); }

any 1 please help me on problem..

i went through same situation while using xtify force notification

i applied simple logic of creating static variable according need. when specific operation id completed . in case user registers , create static variable empty (public static string my_global_variable=""). unless user doesn't register variable contains value

try implement logic ... hope can help @ to the lowest degree start.

android notifications push-notification

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