Sunday 15 August 2010

gulp-durandal TypeError: req.toUrl is not a function -

gulp-durandal TypeError: req.toUrl is not a function -

i seek implement gulp durandal project explain on durandal gulp doc

main.js file build, when trying click open modal dialog, show error (firefox):

typeerror: req.tourl not function url = req.tourl(nonstripname), main.js (line 48306, col 16)

here configuration on gulpfile.js

var gulp = require('gulp'); var durandal = require('gulp-durandal'); gulp.task('default', function(cb) { durandal({ basedir: 'public_html/app', main: 'main.js', output: 'main.js', almond: true, minify: false }) .on('error', function(err) { console.error('error. ' + err); }) .pipe(gulp.dest('public_html/build')) .on('end', cb); });

i'm came across reply

but i'm not sure if related issue.

can please help or guide me through ? thanks!

i had issue using gulp, durandal , modal dialogs. adding getview function viewmodel returns url view fixes it.


function getview() { homecoming "views/theview.html"; }

i sure there must improve way of solving problem seems work in few places have needed it.

durandal gulp durandal-2.0 gulp-watch gulp-less

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