Saturday 15 January 2011 - Pay pal -Pay with credit card only remove pay with paypal account - - Pay pal -Pay with credit card only remove pay with paypal account -

i have requirement create paypal payment options configurable.for cases client should pay through paypal account(hide credit card option) , other cases client should pay through credit cards(hide pay paypal option). have enable , disable 1 @ time.

currently have both options in application . can able hide credit card alternative setting solution type = mark.but how can able hide pay paypal business relationship option?

any 1 can help me on this?

if set landingpage = billing , pay paypal account hidden. if set landingpage = login, credit card alternative hidden


it not possible remove "pay paypal" alternative in express checkout. can in different product such website payment pro, payflow gateway. paypal paypal-sandbox

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