Saturday 15 January 2011

Binary search on vector in c++? -

Binary search on vector< struct S> in c++? -

i utilize binary search on vector using stl in c++;

struct z{ int i; int j; }; struct s{ z z; int k; }; vector<s> myvec; binary_search(myvec.begin(),myvec.end(),...);

the search status given below .

e.g. binary_search(myvec.begin(),myvec.end(),s2); , s2.z.i = 1 ; s2.z.j =2; s2.k = 4 ;

if phone call binary_search these arguments should homecoming true if there exist struct s in vector "myvec" such s.z.i = s2.z.i , s.z.j = s2.z.j , s.z.i!=s2.z.i . @ lastly how sort vector using stl ? it's plenty phone call sort(myvec.begin(),myvec.end()); .

you have provide operator <or comparing function struct s.

c++ vector struct stl binary-search

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