Saturday 15 January 2011

Template class array definition is not type name, static or enumerator C++ -

Template class array definition is not type name, static or enumerator C++ -

i writing template class function dynamic array , stumbling @ 1 issue , cannot work out what's wrong. have goggled , come nil have fixed 1 issue similar adding class name , variable size still these two. here code

template<class val> class dynamarray { private: const int ksegmentsize = 15; int countpos; val initial[dynamarray::ksegmentsize]; public: dynamarray::dynamarray(); dynamarray::~dynamarray(); void dynamarray::putval(val value); val dynamarray::getval(); };

the array initial causing error prepare first issue added dynamarray:: , error disappeared 1 remains , have no thought remaining here re-create of total error.

error c2327: 'dynamarray<std::string>::ksegmentsize' : not type name, static, or enumerator

then get

error c2065: 'ksegmentsize' : undeclared identifier

if has ideas appreciated.


const int ksegmentsize = 15; val initial[dynamarray::ksegmentsize];

should be

static const int ksegmentsize = 15; val initial[ksegmentsize];

as static integrals allowed specify array size in-class declarations.

c++ arrays class templates

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