Saturday 15 January 2011

Using DNS to access ASP.NET with Windows Auth -

Using DNS to access ASP.NET with Windows Auth -

wondering if can help me here, been battering away @ days now.

i have iis site windows authentication installed, working way should do. particular iis server houses approx 6 other sites have create new site called helpdeskv6, application pool helpdeskv6 set .net 4 integrated using applicationpoolindentity. working on 2008 r2 domain, no windows firewall etc.

so have created a record gives nice little name our intranet users, record called helpdesk (fqdn: iis site setup bindings on standard port 80 both helpdesk , fqdn. yet when seek , browse record address prompts me username , password. when come in details work dont want users prompted.

i have impersonation , windows authentiation enabled - providers ntlm , negotiate. asp impersonation auth user. ntlm authentication ticked in asp project web property page.

i have tried enabling , disabling many different settings, have used setsnp -s http/ webserver001 , have used setsmp -s http/helpdesk webserver001 have read alot apparently needs these in nil seems work.

i have never used asp auth a record before @ severe loss please help, hope supplied plenty info not want have users entere windows authentication should auto fearfull missing trick here when browse via netbios name works not appropriate our environment

forgot close out,

the issue becuase site wasnt beingness registered intranet site , auth details not beingness transported over. windows authentication dns

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