Friday, 15 April 2011

html - read mvc Drop down list in .cshtml -

html - read mvc Drop down list in .cshtml -

i have drop downwards list populated different values depending on country user selects.

in .cshtml file create dropdown list binding enum

@helper dropdownfield(string binding, type enumtype) { <!-- ko : @(binding) --> <div class="control-group" data-bind="css: { error: isinvalid }"> <label class="control-label" for="@binding" data-bind="text: title">replace me</label> <div class="controls"> <select id="@binding" name="@binding" data-bind="value: value"> @{dictionary<string, string> enumvalues; } enumvalues = enumextensionmethods.getnameandfriendlynamedictionary(enumtype); @foreach (keyvaluepair<string, string> kvp in enumvalues) { @:<option value="@kvp.key">@(!string.isnullorwhitespace(kvp.value) ? kvp.value : "&nbsp;")</option> } </select> <span class="help-inline" data-bind="text: errormessage"></span> </div> </div> <!-- /ko --> }

then code display appopriate list depending on country selected. of course of study not working. not sure of syntax can utilize check value of country.

@dropdownfield("country") if ($('#country').val() == "us") { @dropdownfield("state", typeof(statetype)) } else { @dropdownfield("state", typeof(provincetypeca)) }

maybe create js fiddle next time...

your code looks wee bit complicated (i'm not much of fan of < ! -- ko) if create dropdown had it's values chosen via country create array of countries (obviously) create sec drop downwards computable. compute store 2d array, 1 side beingness country it's , other beingness data, i.e.

[{"australia", "gday mate"}, {"australia", "more dropdown stuff!!"}, {"america", "howdy partner"}, {"paris", "baguette nice"}]

then create computed filter results depending on country selected @ time.

then when country selected computed update (because in enable field of sec dropdown set country it's enable disabled when no country chosen) , hence have date dropdown

or follow tutorials here show how ;) ---

not sure how because havn't done them, eye balled them , right

html model-view-controller knockout.js

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