Friday 15 April 2011

video - ffmpeg status & quality / cuda (CPU/GPU) -

video - ffmpeg status & quality / cuda (CPU/GPU) -

ffmpeg doing right?

so much time has passed since utilize ffmpeg convert clips on home web server, mp4 (h264 & aac) current overall standard (works on every console, smartphone, smarttv, pc) decided convert old clips various digital cameras to new container/codecs.

less space & same quality. compatibility support tags (subler mac)

after research opted ffmpeg because of various reasons

commandline (i made simple web interface default settings wich execute php's exec) the quality/size amount

i read many expensive video conversion softwares not able handle low bitrate videos properly. tested of them , not find proper export settings or not impressed results... had fixed default export setings, had lower video quality @ same filesize. ffmpeg allows me set -crf (18-24 usually) , -preset (veryslow, fast..) witch allows me cut down filesize drastically mantaining same visible quality.

said i'm using preset @ veryslow.(there placebo final video file 1% smaller in size).

and here command use

ffmpeg -y //overwrite file if exists -i inputfile // replace input file -metadata title=thetitle // set nice title, visible on modern devices -metadata date=thedate // set nice title, visible on modern devices -c:v libx264 // utilize h264 codec -crf 21 // seek different numbers between 18-26 -preset veryslow // placebo,slow,fast,ultrafast==big file -tune cinema // tune little -pix_fmt yuv420p // preferred on modern devices -profile:v main // preferred on modern devices -level 3.1 // preferred on modern devices -refs 4 // preferred on modern devices -c:a libfdk_aac // utilize aac -metadata:s:a language=eng // set language, visible on modern devices -b:a 128k // sound bitrate 128k mp3 192k -ar 48000 // 44100 ... whatever -ac 2 // audiochannels -movflags +faststart //move metadata in front end of video loads faster outputfile

some camcorder clips m2ts have avc/h264 compatible codec re-create stream. have ac3/dolby sorround audio. convert sound maintain ac3 sec sound track mapping ffmpeg streams.this allows me watch mp4 on browsers , mobile devices i'm able maintain surround sound playback on tv's, advanced media players or devices apple tv.

not i'm not happy speed (using quad core's) read 1 time again cuda opencl , there simple fact i'm not using other converters ffmpeg since alot of time.

is ffmpeg (with setting use) converter maintain same video quality source reducing space occupied , average of 30-40% ?

is gpu conversion bad (cuda .. testing gtx970)? nice add together more speed conversions using both gpu , cpu..but understanding cannot work together??? , using gpu drastical quality loss...cpu si more precise, gpu faster in calculation imprecise read.. expensive softwares utilize cuda preview purpose... right?

is ffmpeg or software compatible cpu+gpu encoding? don't remember where, read ffmpeg not videoconverter.

i'm happy size/quality, gained average of 30% in space no visible quality loss. parameters can adjust old analog videos deinterlaced in bad way.

maybe gain more size/quality software???

note:'s free , has commandline can create own interface php html & js , utilize on various machines without need install in every device use. uplad idevice clips straight ffmpeg server.

btw.: explain downvotes...


@talonmies ...cuda tag removed :

cuda® parallel computing platform , programming model invented nvidia. enables dramatic increases in computing performance harnessing powerfulness of graphics processing unit (gpu). millions of cuda-enabled gpus sold date, software developers, scientists , researchers finding broad-ranging uses gpu computing cuda. here few examples: - see more at:

isn't cuda programming model theoretical ffmpeg library should back upwards handle gpu encoding on nvidia cards gtx 970?? badaboom software

is ffmpeg (with setting use) converter maintain same video quality source reducing space occupied , average of 30-40% ?

there many factors consider, broad generalization may able accomplish "visually lossless or nearly-so-but-most-users-can't-tell, not technically lossless" output smaller input. start ~-crf 18, increment until reach highest value still provides acceptable quality. utilize value rest of encoding.

if slow utilize faster -preset.

see ffmpeg wiki: h.264 video encoding guide more info.

is ffmpeg or software compatible cpu+gpu encoding?

ffmpeg supports nvenc. nvidia video coding sdk compile ffmpeg --enable-nonfree --enable-nvenc. slower x264 when providing similar quality, useful if cpu occupied.

x264 can back upwards opencl (--opencl option) lookahead, , maybe other stuff, may not worth using , slower. you'll have seek , compare; assuming have compatible hardware.

encoders claim utilize "(gp)gpu" in way slower and/or lower quality normal x264.

i read ffmpeg not videoconverter

without reasons given sounds unsubstantiated opinion.

video ffmpeg video-processing

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