Friday 15 July 2011

php - AWS Pear Package Not working for Macports php56 -

php - AWS Pear Package Not working for Macports php56 -

i have upgraded yosemite , have installed php-56. running problem can no longer utilize amazon's pear packages. far have done this:

sudo port install pear-pear sudo port install pear-awssdkforphp

and have next php code:

require_once 'awssdkforphp/aws.phar'; utilize aws\common\aws; utilize aws\s3\exception\s3exception;

and next errors:

require_once(awssdkforphp/aws.phar): failed open stream: no such file or directory

what missing installation?

step 1:

if don't have file, create '/opt/local/etc/php56/php.ini' . easy way create re-create /opt/local/etc/php56/php-production.ini or /opt/local/etc/php56/php-production.ini in the directory.

step 2

add line end of php.ini

include_path = ".:/opt/local/lib/php"

that include pear libraries

php amazon-s3 macports

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