Sunday 15 April 2012

ios - How to hide admob adverts using Swift? -

ios - How to hide admob adverts using Swift? -

i adding in-app purchase game built on swift. not know objc much allow lone swift, learning experience me. have added in app purchases , adverts, trying confirm purchase, , remove admob ads.

here current view controller:

i trying utilize check if purchase complete:

if nsuserdefaults.standarduserdefaults().boolforkey("noads") { }

what wondering is, set in viewdidload, right? ok, part need help with, set within hide ads. read can use:

admobbannerview.removefromsuperview() have on thought how work in syntax or how create instances. help appreciated!

// remove ads if nsuserdefaults.standarduserdefaults().boolforkey("noads") { adbannerview().removefromsuperview() gadbannerview().removefromsuperview() admobbannerview.removefromsuperview() <--- gives me error: utilize of unresolved identifer admobbannerview }

admobbannerview beingness referenced in viewcontroller. newb.

looking @ code, admobbannerview exists within createbanner func. if trying reference anywhere else in code, such within viewdidload, not going work - unless create instance variable, _iadview , others.

ios objective-c swift

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