Sunday 15 April 2012

javascript - data.match(var) not working it seems -

javascript - data.match(var) not working it seems -

ok have little block of code, supposed scan number on website, reason have hunch it's not scanning @ all.

var regex = /\<span class="currency-robux" data-se="item-privatesale-price">([\d,]+)\<\/span\>/; var priceselling = data.match(regex); priceselling = number(priceselling.replace("," , ""));

is there wrong have on this?

this connected if statement

if (priceselling <= pricewanting) {

which there calls function run, reason doesn't seem ever run. think regex wrong not sure how. (pricewanting has variable; snippet code itself.)

on website, i'm trying extract.

<span class="robux " data-se="item-privatesale-price">115</span>

keep in mind item-privatesale-price changes, why have set capture data.

you regex fine, using result in wrong way. if matches, homecoming result containing total string, , matched number. not number. need number, match index 1, can utilize priceselling[1].

also in edit matching on span class="robux " different regex. if interested in data-se="item-privatesale-price" can alter match tag attribute within it.

var info = '<span class="robux " data-se="item-privatesale-price">115</span>'; // matches span data-se attribute within // i.e. appears before closing > var regex = /\<span[^>]* data-se="item-privatesale-price"[^>]*>([\d,]+)\<\/span\>/; var priceselling = 0; var pricesellingmatch = data.match(regex); if(pricesellingmatch != null) { priceselling = number(pricesellingmatch[1].replace("," , "")); }

javascript regex

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