Sunday 15 April 2012

javascript - multiple connected with each other -

javascript - multiple <option> connected with each other -

hi can help me question.

i'm building alternative box want connected alternative box specific options options in first one. whoa sorry if sounds complicated.

it looks this:

<select id="fonts"> <option value="arial"></option> <option value="helvetica"></option> <option value="times"></option> </select>

and if lets pick first alternative "arial" sec alternative box have next options:

<select id="weights"> <option value="normal"></option> <option value="bold"></option> <option value="italic"></option> </select>

and if pick "helvetica" maybe have 1 alternative allow "italic".

<select id="weights"> <option value="italic"></option> </select>

any help much appreciated! xx

this called chaining select menus.

there many plugins can if scheme straightforward.


javascript select option

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